Tons of articles on snacking content are popping up all over the web. Most specialists claim it’s THE marketing solution to optimize your impact on the web; others, meanwhile, believe it’s a passing fad that doesn’t take the whole picture into account. Let’s quickly define this strategy before exploring its advantages and challenges. Read the article to the end to discover SLRR’s tips for getting the most out of this strategy.


Snacking content

This is a marketing strategy that goes hand in hand with the reduction in the attention spans of internet users (12 seconds in 2000 and 8 seconds in 2015, according to a study from Microsoft). It involves frequently posting microcontent that can be consumed quickly at any time of day, much like snacks.


Advantages of snacking content

+ Attracts the attention of internet users (8-second attention span);

+ Energizes your content (instant discourse);

+ Creates a feeling of closeness with your community (a friendlier format).


Challenges of snacking content

– Doesn’t satisfy the appetite of fans of complete meals;

– It’s easy to fall into superficiality of discourse.


Suggestions from SLRR Translation Agency

Vary the length of your content: snacks (short articles, short posts, etc.) and complete meals (more in-depth articles).

Find a way to make connections between your content to make sure you fully explore the different subjects you present in your informal posts.


To conclude, as we often hear, “too much is not enough.” Although snacking content seems highly effective, it can turn against you if you don’t adapt it to your target audience. Balance out your informal posts with your in-depth articles to make sure you’re satisfying all types of appetites.


Happy creation!


SLRR Translation Agency

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