The Specialized Translation Agency: Your Ally in Business

technical translation firm

The business world is particularly competitive, and it is often easier to make enemies than friends there. However, there are allies that you can count on from the very first steps that your company takes in the business world. Among these allies is the specialized translation agency, a strategic ally of your company. In this article, we will discuss the main aspects with which a specialized translation agency can help you—that is, the quality and precision of your communications, the complete management of your projects, and your reputation and credibility on a global scale.

The specialized translation agency: an ally for accurate, high-quality texts

Specialized texts—such as those from the technical, environmental, legal, financial, medical, or pharmaceutical fields—require a high level of knowledge that is not innate to all translators. Specialized language is often drier and includes terminology that may differ from one text to another. A translator from a technical translation firm may have one or two specializations that they have developed over the years through disciplined learning, a diploma, or work experience in the field. In addition to being competent in their chosen field, the translator knows how to handle the language and adapt it to the target audience. They will understand both the difficult concepts of your text and the specific linguistic needs related to your culture.

The specialized translation agency: an ally for the complete management of your language needs

A technical translation firm can offer you turnkey language services and thereby let you save time and money by centralizing all your needs in the same place. This practice has several advantages, such as ensuring consistency within the message and making sure that the language professionals (copywriters, translators, revisors) have better communication, among others. In addition, a specialized translation agency can offer you several other services: transcription, localization, layout, etc. In short, a competent and specialized team will take care of your project, as complex as it may be, from beginning to end, making sure, at all stages of the process, to respect your needs.

Your credibility on a global scale: a priority

The field of specialized and technical translation is evolving quickly. To stay up to date and stand out on the world stage, it’s best to ensure that your multilingual communications are credible and well-written, whatever the language. One mistake that slips into your content can have serious consequences on your image, but also on your whole production chain. Production delays, financial losses, workplace accidents, losing a client: these are all consequences of a text that is written and translated incorrectly. In addition, the specialized translators from a technical translation firm are always on the lookout for new developments in their area of specialization. That way, they can adapt their terminology to the new concepts and fields that are evolving each day. Your texts will be representative of your specialty, regardless of the language.

These are just some of the aspects with which SLRR, a specialized translation agency, can help you. Don’t wait any longer to find your next business ally!

The Translation Process Unpacked and Explained

Professional translation services

Your team has finished writing a crucial text describing your company’s future projects. To ensure the quality of your text in all the languages in which it will be read, you have decided to do business with a firm offering professional translation services. However, the translation process is an enigma to you. How does this really work at a translation firm? In this article, you can discover what goes on behind the scenes. The whole process will be unpacked and explained in 5 simple steps.

First step of the translation process: receipt

When you submit a text to a firm offering professional translation services to be translated, your request is handled by a project manager. They take care of the preliminary evaluation of your document in order to verify several important elements for the rest of the project. They will draw up a detailed quote that takes the length of the text, the number of words, the desired deadline, the complexity of the document, and the formatting into account.

Second step: distribution

After confirming the quote with you, the project manager can assign the translation to the translator that they think will be the most qualified for your project. To do this, they evaluate the specializations of their team of translators and also consider the deadline and the translator’s availability. Choosing the right translator is a crucial step in the process. A professional translator must be familiar with the subject, show intellectual rigour, master the source and target languages, and respect the deadlines.

Third step of the translation process: translation

Once the translator has been chosen, they receive the text and can start working on it. First, they must familiarize themselves with the subject. They browse the text to understand the general meaning and identify the main difficulties. The translator has several tools to help them in their work: translation assistance software, glossaries, translation memories, concordance programs, dictionaries, lexica, etc. Sometimes, a terminologist may also participate in the project to help the translator with more specific concepts. This step of the translation process is the most important, because this is the core of the work. The translator is also responsible for asking the client questions if certain passages require clarifications. The translator revises their text before submitting it.

Fourth step: proofreading/formatting

At most firms offering professional translation services, proofreaders take care of reviewing all the translator’s work. They can take a fresh look at it and find mistakes that went unnoticed before. These eagle-eyed proofreaders communicate with the translator if needed. A team also takes care of the formatting so that the layout of the text, the length of which will no longer be exactly the same after translation, is the same as the source text.

Fifth step of the translation process: delivering the project

The project manager delivers the final text to you, translated, revised, and formatted, if necessary. They may attach notes from the translator with the project, if necessary. You can contact the project manager if you have further questions.

To learn more about the translation process, contact the experts at SLRR Translation Firm.

Health and Safety Translation: The Main Issues

HR Translation firm

Health and safety are integral parts of an organization. Significant efforts are made on prevention, because human lives must not be endangered unnecessarily. The field of health and safety is therefore a need for any business. If your company is multilingual, many documents in this field will need to be translated each year. Health and safety translation is a specialization with its own terminology and specific issues. In this article, we will first take a look at what health and safety is, the reasons why it is essential in a company, and the issues related to health and safety translation.

What is health and safety?

Health and safety include different approaches or programs aimed at reducing or completely eliminating the hazards in a workplace. These hazards can be physical or mental in nature. In Quebec, the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail (CNESST) is the organization responsible for ensuring respect for rights and obligations in the workplace.

Why must health and safety translation have an important place in your company?

Within a company where the employees speak multiple languages, the translated health and safety texts must have the same clarity and awareness-raising effect as the original texts. The employees must be able to enjoy a safe working environment, where the culture of accident and occupational disease prevention has the same impact in one language as in the other. Language barriers have repercussions on safety. Health and safety translation may affect several types of documents: prevention programs, employee assistance programs (EAPs), safety analyses, training manuals, material safety data sheets, inspection reports, internal policies, procedures, etc. These often-lengthy texts must be placed in the hands of an HR translation firm, because the translators who work there are in the best position to understand your needs and ensure an accurate translation. They will know how to use the right terminology and can meet very tight deadlines. Above all, they will be able to write a text that is similar in every respect to the original text, without giving rise to misunderstandings or incorrect interpretations.

What are the issues related to health and safety translation?

Poorly translated texts can have serious consequences, and this is particularly true in the field of health and safety translation, where lives can be endangered if information crucial to safety within the organization is communicated poorly. A bad translation can also have legal consequences if a text leads to complications within the company. An organization is directed by the CNESST to protect its employees. If it fails to do so, it could be prosecuted. This can have serious consequences on a company and lead to significant costs, in addition to a loss of credibility and trust. This is why it is essential to do business with an HR translation firm in order to protect your business and your employees.

An HR translation firm like SLRR Translation Firm can be an ally in health and safety translation. Don’t hesitate to call on us!

Translation Firm in Quebec City: 5 Questions to Ask

Translation company

Your company has decided to emphasize the quality of its multilingual communications. You have decided to invest in professional-quality services for the translation of your organization’s texts. You have settled on a translation firm in Quebec City. Here are 5 questions to ask a translation company to know whether it will be able to live up to your expectations.

Does your translation firm in Quebec City offer turnkey services?

It’s always more advantageous to do business with the same translation company to carry out all the stages of your project, from beginning to end. Whether it’s translation, transcription, revision, layout, or even copywriting, you will save time and money by choosing a translation firm in Quebec City that offers turnkey services. This will ensure that your text is coherent and professional.

Will the translation be tailored to my target audience?

Depending on the province or country where your text will be read, it’s important for your text to be not only translated, but also subject to an adaptation—also known as localization. A professional translator is able to guarantee that your text will be well received in your target language, that it won’t contain any offensive turns of phrase, and that its wording will be idiomatic. For example, if your target audience is Quebec, a translator will be able to translate your text into Canadian French, not European French, so that it reaches its target more easily.

Does your translation firm in Quebec City have areas of specialization?

If your text is complex and in a very specific field, it’s particularly important to do business with a translation company that offers specialized translation services, such as technical translation, scientific translation, financial translation, legal translation, etc. Usually, a translation company deals with several translators with complementary specializations to be able to meet all your needs. It’s important to ask if the firm can assign your texts to translators in your area of specialization, because a general translator probably won’t be able to capture all the subtleties of your text.

What are the competences of the language resources from your translation company?

One of the most important questions is to know whether the resources who will work on your project are qualified to do so. For example, a translator must have experience, a degree, and—sometimes—certification from the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ), if you need to have a translation certified. It’s also very important that a translator translates into their mother tongue. That way, they will be capable of using a tone, wordings, and subtleties specific to their language. The translation will be more natural.

Can you give me the names of some clients who trust your translation firm in Quebec City?

A good way to ensure the quality of the texts translated by the translation company is to ask for references. If you are in the field of creative translation, it’s particularly important to choose a translation firm in Quebec City that has experience with communication agencies.

Call on SLRR Translation Firm for all your translation requests!

Doing Business with an English-French Translation Company

Translation firm

Canada is one of the few countries where English-French translation dominates, with other language combinations representing a smaller share of the industry as a whole. This can primarily be explained by the unique legislative environment in which we live. Various language laws adopted since the ’60s in Canada have allowed English-French translation to grow rapidly over the years. The Official Languages Act adopted in 1969 by the Canadian Parliament established official bilingualism in Canada, granting equal rights to French and English across the country. This is why English-French translation firms are so important in Canada. In this article, we will discuss the main advantages of doing business with an English-French translation company in a Canadian and international context.

Professionals trained in English-French translation

Whether it’s in Manitoba, New Brunswick, or especially in Ontario and Quebec, translation programs at universities are mainly based around two languages: English and French. English-French translation firms in Canada and Quebec therefore do business with translators trained for an average of 3 to 6 years in this language combination. Translation education in Canada now extends to all three university levels. By doing business with an English-French translation company that employs translators with degrees, you will therefore be assured of advanced linguistic quality in this language pair.

Do business with an English-French translation company for a translation tailored to Canadian culture

Doing business with a translation firm in Canada will let you have texts that are perfectly tailored to Canadian culture. This combination is very different from translation into international or European French. Canadian French has its own unique colours and idiomatic turns of phrase, in both its spoken and written forms. In Quebec, English terms are mostly francized, and we try to use few anglicisms, which is very different from French in Paris, where it is very common to speak of “email,” “shopping,” etc. To respect your target audience and avoid raising any Canadian eyebrows, it’s essential to do business with a translation firm that employs Canadian French translators. That way, you will avoid offensive or amusing cultural errors, which could damage your credibility!

Translating into one’s mother tongue at an English-French translation company

Translating into one’s mother tongue is one of the main signs of quality of a translation. Canada is made up of nearly 70% Anglophones and 30% Francophones. In Quebec, a primarily Francophone province, translators are trained to translate into their mother tongue: French. Before doing business with an English-French translation company, make sure that the translation firm hires translators who shy away from the common misconception that a good translator translates into multiple languages. A translator who translates into their mother tongue has a more varied vocabulary and a better mastery of grammar, syntax, and all the subtleties. They also know how to avoid mistakes that aren’t always obvious to a translator for whom English or French is their second language.

If you’re looking for an English-French translation company, SLRR Translation Firm can offer you the services of a professional translator to meet your needs.

Environmental Translation Firm — Expertise and Service

Translators specializing in the environment

The environmental sector has been changing rapidly since the 1980s. This interest in the environment isn’t just a passing trend; environmental issues are here for good. As one of the signatories of the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, Canada must take the necessary steps to limit the increase in the global temperature to well below 2°C. To meet these ambitious goals, it is the duty of any company, organization, or ministry to take part in the fight against climate change. What does this mean working at an environmental translation firm? In this article, we will discuss the main challenges of environmental translation and the documents that can be translated by translators specializing in the environment.

The environment: a diverse area of specialization

The environmental sector is particularly diverse. Translators specializing in the environment must be versatile, because they sometimes need to translate technical documents, more general documents, legal texts, etc. Here are a few subfields of the environmental sector: natural resources, sustainable development, waste management, climate change, environmental disasters, water treatment, fisheries management, endangered species, etc. Each subfield has its own unique terminology. Translators specializing in the environment must be able to juggle these various subjects. To do this, they show great intellectual rigour. The different translators within the same team from an environmental translation firm can help each other with particularly difficult texts.

Environmental translation firm: constantly evolving terminology

Environmental sciences are still young and in constant evolution. For example, the term “environment,” in the sense that it is used today, only appeared in the 1960s and ’70s. The term “sustainable development” then made its appearance in 1987, defined in the Brundtland Report. These days, it is quite difficult to separate the environment from sustainable development. This is proof that the field and its terminology are evolving at full speed. Translators specializing in the environment are always on the lookout for new terminology. This means that they are constantly looking for the latest developments in their field. They stay informed by reading scientific journals, consulting glossaries, or participating in conferences or events. Several dictionaries have been developed in recent years to catalogue the terminology in this field, such as the Dictionary of Sustainable Development or the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. It’s not uncommon to have to use neologisms to express a new reality, so translators specializing in the environment need to know how to handle the languages perfectly.

Main documents translated at an environmental translation firm

At an environmental translation firm, it’s not uncommon to see these types of documents to be translated:
– Green transformation programs
– Environmental studies and policies
– Information capsules
– Climate change reduction documents
– Environmental assessments
– Environmental management manuals
– Guidelines, laws, regulations
– Environmental management standards (ISO 14000 series)
– Conference presentations
– Press releases
– Annual reports
– Trade journals

SLRR Translation Firm is a translation company that can leverage the experience of its translators specializing in the environment. Contact us to learn more!

Turnkey Professional Translation Services

Professional translator

Within organizations, the days are often much too short, and the to-do lists are difficult to complete. Between two cups of coffee and emails, have you considered using turnkey professional translation services to centralize all your needs? In addition to the professional translator, there are many other professionals. In this article, we will discuss the main advantages of using such services, both today and in the future.

The turnkey services of a professional translator, from start to finish

According to the definition from the Grand dictionnaire terminologique, “turnkey” refers to something that can be used or which is functional immediately. In the context of a translation firm, turnkey professional translation services may include all the steps of the process leading to a quality finished text that can be published immediately upon receipt. For example, depending on your needs, it is possible to support you with copywriting, translation, revision, layout, localization, transcription, proofreading, and many other more specific steps, such as glossary creation or transcreation. Turnkey services may also include translation into more than one language, carried out by a professional translator. These services are adaptable to your needs, and this represents a competitive advantage.

Centralize your professional translation services to save time and money

Having to seek out service providers for each of your needs can take many hours and mobilize you and your staff, while there are so many other priority tasks to be accomplished within an organization. As the old saying goes, “time is money,” and you could save big by centralizing all your language services in the same place. Sometimes, translation firms can offer you an attractive quote according to the number of services requested. Don’t hesitate to ask for an estimate!

Centralize your professional translation services for higher-quality texts

When you request turnkey services, a complete team of professionals takes charge of your project. Working as a team and collaborating for the success of the project and meeting deadlines allows for greater coherence and consistency between the different stages. If your text is particularly complex, terminologists may assist the professional translator. If your text is particularly long, it is possible to mobilize multiple professional translators to meet your deadline. We can also offer you a split delivery as the translation progresses. Turnkey services are therefore highly customizable.

Centralize your professional translation services to forge relationships of trust

By centralizing your professional translation services, you will have the opportunity to speak with the translation firm more often and forge lasting relationships. These are privileged, human relationships and personalized services that are very useful to your organization, far removed from what machine translation would offer you. These professional translators will be able to help you improve your communications in the future, are there to answer your questions in a timely manner, and can help you create glossaries and other terminological documents.

Would you like to centralize your translation services and improve the quality and effectiveness of your texts? Contact SLRR Translation Firm without delay to take advantage of human, customizable service!

Optimize Your Business with Translation Services in Quebec City

Translation company

Your business has the wind in its sails, but its cruising speed seems to be stagnating. This speed is comfortable, but you would like to be able to take it to new horizons as quickly as possible without hitting the reef or entering turbulent waters. Have you ever thought about using translation services in Quebec City to help you optimize your business and sail toward new, unsuspected horizons? In this article, we will discuss 4 aspects that a translation company can help you optimize.

Centralize your communication needs with translation services in Quebec City

To optimize your business, you can win big by dealing with the same translation company for all your language needs. This is what is known as turnkey services, which are offered by several firms in Quebec City. By centralizing all your needs within the same firm, you can rest easy. Language professionals will be able to take care of the copywriting, translation, revision, localization, layout, etc. You will waste much less time searching for each of these services separately.

Help increase your sales with e-commerce

E-commerce has really taken off in recent years, particularly in 2020 and the pandemic period. According to Statistics Canada, retail sales fell 17.9% from February to May 2020, and the value of e-commerce sales increased 99.3% in May compared to February of the same year. Pandemic or not, Canadians now have new consumption habits, and this online shopping trend has now firmly taken root. It’s important for a business to follow this trend and stand out online. A translation company can help you write, translate, and revise your e-commerce content. Some firms, such as SLRR, even offer product description copywriting to better target your audience.

Translation services in Quebec City to increase the effectiveness and quality of your communications

Many companies sometimes use free online machine translation services, such as Google Translate or Reverso, to save time and money in their multilingual communications. However, this isn’t a very smart practice. The money saved can quickly go up in smoke if serious errors slip into your texts, which is very common with these kinds of language services. Firms offering translation services in Quebec City can help you increase the quality of your writing, polish your brand image, and ensure that no errors will tarnish your hard-earned reputation.

Translation services in Quebec City to improve your search engine optimization (SEO)

As we have already seen, your online presence is crucial to the fate of your business. It’s pointless to have a perfectly written online store if customers aren’t capable of finding it quickly on search engines. A translation company in Quebec City can help you improve your website’s SEO through a process called localization. Without this step, it will be difficult for you to break into international markets, since most consumers prefer to buy products in their mother tongue.

To reach new horizons, rely on the professional services of SLRR to receive turnkey services for your business!

Translation Services in Montreal — 10 Frequently Asked Questions

Translation firm

Since the offerings of online translation services are becoming increasingly large, it’s not always easy to make a choice that corresponds to the needs of your business. In this article, we will discuss 10 frequently asked questions to help you choose translation services in Montreal.

What are the skills of the language resources from your translation firm?

A good translation firm needs to choose its language resources with care. A professional translator holds a bachelor’s degree in translation/linguistics, and sometimes a postgraduate degree in a specialization.

Why use translation services in Montreal instead of machine translation?

Artificial intelligence has had the wind in its sails in recent years, and for good reason. However, in the field of translation, it’s impossible to completely replace the translator, the human behind the process. Machine translation often generates literal translations with sometimes-incomprehensible passages. This phenomenon is exacerbated in highly technical translations. A translator understands the subtleties of the language, which a computer is not yet able to do.

Do you offer turnkey translation services in Montreal?

It’s very beneficial to centralize all your language needs in the same place to save time and money. A translation firm that offers turnkey services can be a real asset for your business.

Do you have areas of specialization?

Before choosing a translation firm, it’s necessary to determine whether your project includes specialized terminology. If this is the case, it’s a good idea to ask the translation agency whether it can provide you with translators specializing in your field, whether it’s engineering, marketing, HR, etc.

Which software does your translation firm work with?

A good translation firm knows how to use the various translation assistance tools on the market to their full potential. These tools help the translator write more consistent texts. They can also help you save money if you have several projects to have translated by this firm.

Will my texts remain confidential?

Confidentiality is an important issue today. It’s normal to want to ensure that the content of your texts won’t be copied. If this issue is very important to you, you can ask for a confidentiality agreement to be signed.

Do your translation services in Montreal offer flexible delivery?

The flexibility of the services is another important point when choosing a translation firm. Sometimes, you will need urgent translation service. Several firms offer this service. In addition, if your project is quite large, you can request a split delivery.

Do your translators translate into their mother tongue?

To translate accurately and idiomatically, a translator absolutely must translate into their mother tongue. This criterion may even sometimes be part of the firm’s code of ethics.

Is it possible to obtain certified translation services in Montreal from your firm?

If you need to have a translation certified, it’s best to ask whether a certified translator within the firm can do so.

Will your translation services in Montreal take my culture and target audience into account?

A translator doesn’t just translate a text word for word. They take the context as well as the recipient of the text into account. A translator from a translation agency in Montreal therefore knows how to choose the right words for their Canadian audience.

For translation services in Montreal, contact SLRR Translation Firm!

Ensure your credibility with engineering translation services

Technical translation

In the context of increasing international trade in technology, it is quite necessary to ensure your credibility by using engineering translation services. These services allow you to remain a leading figure, regardless of the language of your communications. If your company wants to stand out positively on the international scale, technical translation services are needed from the outset. In this article, we will discuss the disastrous consequences that a bad translation can have on your corporate image, some methods to facilitate communication, and the reasons why technical translation is fundamental to your business.

Avoid costly mistakes with engineering translation services

Texts in the field of engineering are numerous, varied, and—most of the time—complex. Whether they appear in the translation of memos, technical manuals, tenders, procedures, or patents, terminological errors can have serious consequences, such as non-compliance with procedures, misunderstandings, manufacturing errors, workplace accidents, project cancellations, or a loss of credibility with your competitors and your clients. Sometimes, these consequences may even lead to legal action. Obviously, all these mistakes can tarnish your reputation and cost you a great deal of money. Since there is no room for error in this field, it is best to exercise caution by ensuring clear and consistent communication that will avoid additional costs to be borne by your business.

Facilitate communication with engineering translation services

The engineering field is a competitive environment, but also very cooperative. Engineers don’t work alone, and they need to communicate with their colleagues on a daily basis to advance their projects. Teams can work on the same project from all over the world. This globalization of engineering services makes technical translation services essential. In addition to translating, the technical translator also takes care of adapting your text to the target language and culture in order to ensure understanding at first glance. Whether it is to communicate with potential clients or to help employees overseas understand manufacturing procedures, your company benefits by relying on engineering translation services in order to demonstrate professionalism and appropriate communication.

Call on translators specializing in technical translation

Technical translation is not a specialization that can be improvised. When you do business with a translation firm, your texts to be translated will be assigned to translators who have relevant experience in your field. In addition, the technical translator at a firm is rarely alone. They can rely on their colleagues in the event of terminological difficulties. The complexity of technical texts in engineering often requires this type of collaboration between linguists. The technical translator can also help you create a glossary. This will make the translation of your next projects easier. Your project also benefits from quality control by experienced revisors who know how to spot inconsistencies that could affect the credibility of your texts. In short, doing business with a translation firm offering engineering translation services is an asset to ensuring the credibility and professionalism of your company on the world stage.

Are you looking for a partner for the translation of your documents? Look no further! SLRR Translation Firm offers you all the services you need.